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Draw a picture

Draw a picture into a cell. First hook into rendertext to show the text "No Image" text if there is no image. Then hook into afterrendercell to actually create an image element, hook into the image load event and draw the image once it\'s loaded.'

import canvasDatagrid from 'canvas-datagrid';

const app = document.getElementById('app');
const gridElement = document.createElement('div');
const imgs = {};
const grid = canvasDatagrid({
  parentNode: gridElement,

// stop the cell from rendering text
grid.addEventListener('rendertext', function (e) {
  if (e.cell.rowIndex > -1) {
    if ( === 'image') {
      e.cell.formattedValue = e.cell.value ? '' : 'No Image';
// after the cell is rendered, draw on top of it
grid.addEventListener('afterrendercell', function (e) {
  var i,
    contextGrid = this;
  if ( === 'image' && e.cell.value && e.cell.rowIndex > -1) {
    // if we haven't already made an image for this, do it now
    if (!imgs[e.cell.value]) {
      // create a new image object and store it in the imgs object
      i = imgs[e.cell.value] = new Image();
      // get the image path from the cell's value
      i.src = e.cell.value;
      // when the image finally loads
      // call draw() again to run the else path
      i.onload = function (parentNode) {
    // if we have an image already, draw it.
    i = imgs[e.cell.value];
    if (i.width !== 0) {
      i.targetHeight = e.cell.height;
      i.targetWidth = e.cell.height * (i.width / i.height);
      e.ctx.drawImage(i, e.cell.x, e.cell.y, i.targetWidth, i.targetHeight);
// add some images = [
    image: '',
    melius: 'causae',
    image: '',
    melius: 'omittam',
    image: '',
    melius: 'explicari',
    image: '',
    melius: 'principes',
// set the column widths and row heights
grid.setColumnWidth(0, 300); (d, index) {
  grid.setRowHeight(index, 200);