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Hierarchical canvas based web component.


activeCellobjectGets the active cell. Consists of the properties rowIndex and columnIndex.
attributesobjectObject that contains the properties listed in the attributes section. These properties can be used at runtime to alter attributes set during instantiation. See the See {@link canvasDatagrid.params} section for full documentation.
canvasobjectThe canvas element drawn onto for this grid.
changesarrayArray of changes and additions made to the grid since last time data was loaded. The data property will change with changes as well, but this is a convince list of all the changes in one spot. Calling clearChangeLog will clear this list.
childGridsbooleanChild grids in this grid organized by internal unique row id.
columnOrderarrayGets or sets the order of the columns. This allows you to modify the appearance of the schema without modifying the data itself. The order of the array dictates the order of the columns, e.g.: [0, 1, 2] is normal order, [2, 1, 0] is reverse. The array length must be equal to or greater than the number of columns.
controlInputobjectInput used for key controls on the grid. Any clicks on the grid will cause this input to be focused. This input is hidden above the top left corner of the browser window.
currentCellcanvasDatagrid.cellCell that the mouse moved over last.
datacanvasDatagrid.dataThis is how data is set in the grid. Data must be an array of objects that conform to a schema. Data values can be any primitive type. However if a cell value is another data array, an inner grid will be rendered into the cell. This "cell grid" is different than a "tree grid" (the sort you drill in with a row header arrow) and uses the cellGridAttributes attribute for properties and styling. See {@link}.
dragModestringRepresents the currently displayed resize cursor. Can be ns-resize, ew-resize, pointer, or inherit.
filterscanvasDatagrid.filterObject that contains a list of filters for filtering data. The properties in this object match the schema[].type property. For example, if the schema for a given column was of the type date the grid would look for a filter called if a filter cannot be found for a given data type a warning will be logged and the string/RegExp filter will be used. See {@link canvasDatagrid.filters}.
formatterscanvasDatagrid.formatterObject that contains formatting functions for displaying text. The properties in this object match the schema[].type property. For example, if the schema for a given column was of the type date the grid would look for a formatter called if a formatter cannot be found for a given data type a warning will be logged and the string formatter will be used. Formatters must return a string value to be displayed in the cell. See {@link canvasDatagrid.formatters}.
frozenColumnnumberThe highest frozen column index. Setting a value higher than the possible visible columns will result in a range error.
frozenRownumberThe highest frozen row index. Setting a value higher than the possible visible rows will result in a range error.
hasActiveFiltersbooleanWhen true, grid data is being filtered.
hasFocusbooleanWhen true, the grid is has focus.
heightnumberHeight of the grid.
inputobjectReference to the the edit cell when editing. Undefined when not editing. When editing, this DOM element is superimposed over the cell being edited and is fully visible.
isChildGridbooleanWhen true, this grid is a child grid of another grid. Meaning, it appears as a tree grid or a cell grid of another parent grid.
isChildGridbooleanWhen true, this grid is within another grid.
offsetLeftnumberThe offset left of the grid.
offsetTopnumberThe offset top of the grid.
openChildrenbooleanList of open child grids by internal unique row id.
orderBystringThe name of the column the grid is currently sorted by. You can set this value to any column name to alter the sort order dependent on data type. Subscribing to beforesortcolumn and calling e.preventDefault allows you to change the property and the graphical appearance of the grid (an order arrow will be drawn over the respective column) without invoking the client side ordering function. This is useful if you want to use server side data ordering.
orderDirectionstringGets or sets the order by direction. Value can be asc for ascending order or desc for descending order. Subscribing to beforesortcolumn and calling e.preventDefault allows you to change the property and the graphical appearance of the grid (an order arrow will be drawn over the respective column) without invoking the client side ordering function. This is useful if you want to use server side data ordering.
parentGridcanvasDatagridIf this grid is a child grid, this is the grids parent.
parentNodeHTMLElementThe parent node of the canvas, usually the shadow DOM's parent element.
rowOrderarrayGets or sets the order of the rows. This allows you to modify the appearance of the data without modifying the data itself. The order of the array dictates the order of the rows, e.g.: [0, 1, 2] is normal order, [2, 1, 0] is reverse. The array length must be equal to or greater than the number of rows.
schemacanvasDatagrid.schemaSchema is optional. Schema is an array of {canvasDatagrid.header} objects. If no schema is provided one will be generated from the data, in that case all data will be assumed to be string data. See {@link canvasDatagrid.schema}.
scrollHeightnumberThe total number of pixels that can be scrolled down.
scrollIndexRectobjectRect describing the view port of the virtual canvas in column and row indexes. If you only want to do things to visible cells, this is a good property to check what the range of visible cells is.
scrollLeftnumberThe current position of the horizontal scroll bar in pixels.
scrollPixelRectobjectRect describing view port of the virtual canvas in pixels.
scrollTopnumberThe current position of the vertical scroll bar in pixels.
scrollWidthnumberThe total number of pixels that can be scrolled to the left.
selectedCellsarrayJagged array of cells that the user has selected. Beware that because this is a jagged array, some indexes will be null. Besides the nulls this data looks just like the data you passed in, but just the cells the user has selected. So if the user has selected cell 10 in a 10 column row, there will be 9 nulls followed by the data from column 10.
selectedRowsarraySelected rows. Same as the data property but filtered for the rows the user has cells selected in. If any cell in the row is selected, all data for that row will appear in this array.
selectionBoundsrectBounds of current selection.
selectionsarrayMatrix array of selected cells.
shadowRootHTMLElementThe shadow root element.
sizesobjectMutable object that contains sizes.columns and sizes.rows arrays. These arrays control the sizes of the columns and rows. If there is not an entry for the row or column index it will fall back to the style default.
sorterscanvasDatagrid.sorterObject that contains a list of sorting functions for sorting columns. See {@tutorial sorters}.
stylecanvasDatagrid.styleObject that contains the properties listed in the style section. Changing a style will automatically call draw.
visibleCellsarrayArray of cell drawn.
visibleRowHeightsarrayThe heights of the visible rows.
visibleRowsarrayArray of visible row indexes.
widthnumberWidth of the grid.


A selection rectangle.


topnumberFirst row index.
bottomnumberLast row index.
leftnumberFirst column index.
rightnumberLast column index.

A header that describes the data in a column. The term header and column are used interchangeably in this documentation. The {@link canvasDatagrid.schema} is an array of {@link canvasDatagrid.header}.


namestringThe name of the header. This must match the property name of an object in the {@link} array. This is the only required property of a {@link canvasDatagrid.header}. This value will appear at the top of the column unless {@link canvasDatagrid.header.title} is defined.
typestringThe data type of this header. This value should match properties in {@link canvasDatagrid.formatters}, {@link canvasDatagrid.filters}, {@link canvasDatagrid.sorters} to take full advantage of formatting, sorting and filtering when not defining these properties within this header.
titlestringThe value that is actually displayed to the user at the top of the column. If no value is present, {@link} will be used instead.
widthnumberThe mutable width of this column in pixels. The user can override this value if {@link canvasDatagrid.attributes.allowColumnResizing} is set to true.
hiddenbooleanWhen true, the column will not be included in the visible schema. This means selection, copy, and drawing functions will not display this column or values from this column.
filterfunctionA {@link canvasDatagrid.filter} function that defines how filters will work against data in this column.
formatterfunctionA {@link canvasDatagrid.formatter} function that defines how data will be formatted when drawn onto cells belonging to this column.
sorterfunctionA {@link canvasDatagrid.sorter} function that defines how data will sorted within this column.
defaultValuefunction,stringThe default value of this column for new rows. This can be a function or string. When using a string, this string value will be used in the new cell. When using a function, it must return a string, which will be used in the new cell. The arguments passed to this function are: argument[0] = {@link canvasDatagrid.header}, argument[1] = row index.


A cell on the grid.


typestringData type used by this cell as dictated by the column.
stylestringVisual style of cell. Can be any one of cell, activeCell, columnHeaderCell, cornerCell, or rowHeaderCell. Prefix of each style name.
xnumberThe x coordinate of this cell on the grid.
ynumberThe y coordinate of this cell on the grid.
nodeTypestringAlways 'canvas-datagrid-cell'.
offsetTopnumberThe y coordinate of this cell on the grid canvas.
offsetLeftnumberThe x coordinate of this cell on the grid canvas.
scrollTopnumberThe scrollTop value of the scrollBox.
scrollLeftnumberThe scrollLeft value of the scrollBox.
rowOpenbooleanWhen true, this row is a tree grid enabled cell and the tree is in the open state.
hoveredbooleanWhen true, this cell is hovered.
selectedbooleanWhen true, this cell is selected.
activebooleanWhen true, this cell is the active cell.
widthnumberWidth of the cell on the canvas.
heightnumberHeight of the cell on the canvas.
userWidthnumberUser set width of the cell on the canvas. If undefined, the user has not set this column.
userHeightnumberHeight of the cell on the canvas. If undefined, the user has not set this row.
dataobjectThe row of data this cell belongs to.
headerheaderThe schema column this cell belongs to.
columnIndexnumberThe column index of the cell.
rowIndexnumberThe row index of the cell.
sortColumnIndexnumberThe column index of the cell after the user has reordered it.
sortRowIndexnumberThe column index of the cell after the user has reordered it.
valuestringThe value of the cell.
formattedValuestringThe value after passing through any formatters. See {@link canvasDatagrid.formatters}.
isColumnHeaderCellCapbooleanWhen true, the cell is the cap at the right side end of the header cells.
parentGridcanvasDatagridThe grid to which this cell belongs.
gridIdstringIf this cell contains a grid, this is the grids unique id.
isGridbooleanWhen true, the cell is a grid.
isHeaderbooleanWhen true, the cell is a column or row header.
isColumnHeaderbooleanWhen true, the cell is a column header.
isRowHeaderbooleanWhen true, the cell is a row header.
isCornerbooleanWhen true, the cell is the upper left corner cell.
activeHeaderbooleanWhen true, the cell is an active header cell, meaning the active cell is in the same row or column.
horizontalAlignmentstringThe horizontal alignment of the cell.
verticalAlignmentstringThe vertical alignment of the cell.
innerHTMLstringHTML, if any, in the cell. If set, HTML will be rendered into the cell.
textobjectThe text object in the cell.
text.xobjectThe x coordinate of the text.
text.yobjectThe y coordinate of the text.
text.widthobjectThe width of the text, including truncation and ellipsis.
text.valueobjectThe value of the text, including truncation and ellipsis.


Styles for the canvas data grid. Standard CSS styles still apply but are not listed here.


activeCellBackgroundColorstringStyle of activeCellBackgroundColor.
activeCellBorderColorstringStyle of activeCellBorderColor.
activeCellBorderWidthnumberStyle of activeCellBorderWidth.
activeCellColorstringStyle of activeCellColor.
activeCellFontstringStyle of activeCellFont.
activeCellHorizontalAlignmentstringStyle of activeCellHorizontalAlignment.
activeCellHoverBackgroundColorstringStyle of activeCellHoverBackgroundColor.
activeCellHoverColorstringStyle of activeCellHoverColor.
activeCellOverlayBorderColorstringStyle of activeCellOverlayBorderColor.
activeCellOverlayBorderWidthnumberStyle of activeCellOverlayBorderWidth.
activeCellPaddingBottomnumberStyle of activeCellPaddingBottom.
activeCellPaddingLeftnumberStyle of activeCellPaddingLeft.
activeCellPaddingRightnumberStyle of activeCellPaddingRight.
activeCellPaddingTopnumberStyle of activeCellPaddingTop.
activeCellSelectedBackgroundColorstringStyle of activeCellSelectedBackgroundColor.
activeCellSelectedColorstringStyle of activeCellSelectedColor.
activeCellVerticalAlignmentstringStyle of activeCellVerticalAlignment.
activeColumnHeaderCellBackgroundColorstringStyle of activeColumnHeaderCellBackgroundColor.
activeColumnHeaderCellColorstringStyle of activeColumnHeaderCellColor.
activeRowHeaderCellBackgroundColorstringStyle of activeRowHeaderCellBackgroundColor.
activeRowHeaderCellColorstringStyle of activeRowHeaderCellColor.
autocompleteBottomMarginnumberStyle of autocompleteBottomMargin.
autosizeHeaderCellPaddingnumberStyle of autosizeHeaderCellPadding.
autosizePaddingnumberStyle of autosizePadding.
cellAutoResizePaddingnumberStyle of cellAutoResizePadding.
cellBackgroundColorstringStyle of cellBackgroundColor.
cellBorderColorstringStyle of cellBorderColor.
cellBorderWidthnumberStyle of cellBorderWidth.
cellColorstringStyle of cellColor.
cellFontstringStyle of cellFont.
cellGridHeightnumberStyle of cellGridHeight.
cellHeightnumberStyle of cellHeight.
cellHeightWithChildGridnumberStyle of cellHeightWithChildGrid.
cellHorizontalAlignmentstringStyle of cellHorizontalAlignment.
cellHoverBackgroundColorstringStyle of cellHoverBackgroundColor.
cellHoverColorstringStyle of cellHoverColor.
cellLineHeightnumberThe line height of each wrapping line as a percentage.
cellLineSpacingnumberStyle of cellLineSpacing.
cellPaddingBottomnumberStyle of cellPaddingBottom.
cellPaddingLeftnumberStyle of cellPaddingLeft.
cellPaddingRightnumberStyle of cellPaddingRight.
cellPaddingTopnumberStyle of cellPaddingTop.
cellSelectedBackgroundColorstringStyle of cellSelectedBackgroundColor.
cellSelectedColorstringStyle of cellSelectedColor.
cellVerticalAlignmentstringStyle of cellVerticalAlignment.
cellWhiteSpacestringStyle of cellWhiteSpace. Can be 'nowrap' or 'normal'.
cellWidthnumberStyle of cellWidth.
cellWidthWithChildGridnumberStyle of cellWidthWithChildGrid.
childContextMenuArrowColorstringStyle of childContextMenuArrowColor.
childContextMenuArrowHTMLstringStyle of childContextMenuArrowHTML.
childContextMenuMarginLeftnumberStyle of childContextMenuMarginLeft.
childContextMenuMarginTopnumberStyle of childContextMenuMarginTop.
columnGroupRowHeightnumberStyle of columnGroupRowHeight.
columnHeaderCellBorderColorstringStyle of columnHeaderCellBorderColor.
columnHeaderCellBorderWidthnumberStyle of columnHeaderCellBorderWidth.
columnHeaderCellCapBackgroundColorstringStyle of columnHeaderCellBackgroundColor.
columnHeaderCellCapBorderColorstringStyle of columnHeaderCellBackgroundColor.
columnHeaderCellCapBorderWidthnumberStyle of columnHeaderCellBackgroundColor.
columnHeaderCellColorstringStyle of columnHeaderCellColor.
columnHeaderCellFontstringStyle of columnHeaderCellFont.
columnHeaderCellHeightnumberStyle of columnHeaderCellHeight.
columnHeaderCellHorizontalAlignmentstringStyle of columnHeaderCellHorizontalAlignment.
columnHeaderCellHoverBackgroundColorstringStyle of columnHeaderCellHoverBackgroundColor.
columnHeaderCellHoverColorstringStyle of columnHeaderCellHoverColor.
columnHeaderCellPaddingBottomnumberStyle of columnHeaderCellPaddingBottom.
columnHeaderCellPaddingLeftnumberStyle of columnHeaderCellPaddingLeft.
columnHeaderCellPaddingRightnumberStyle of columnHeaderCellPaddingRight.
columnHeaderCellPaddingTopnumberStyle of columnHeaderCellPaddingTop.
columnHeaderCellVerticalAlignmentstringStyle of columnHeaderCellVerticalAlignment.
columnHeaderOrderByArrowBorderColorstringStyle of columnHeaderOrderByArrowBorderColor.
columnHeaderOrderByArrowBorderWidthnumberStyle of columnHeaderOrderByArrowBorderWidth.
columnHeaderOrderByArrowColorstringStyle of columnHeaderOrderByArrowColor.
columnHeaderOrderByArrowHeightnumberStyle of columnHeaderOrderByArrowHeight.
columnHeaderOrderByArrowMarginLeftnumberStyle of columnHeaderOrderByArrowMarginLeft.
columnHeaderOrderByArrowMarginRightnumberStyle of columnHeaderOrderByArrowMarginRight.
columnHeaderOrderByArrowMarginTopnumberStyle of columnHeaderOrderByArrowMarginTop.
columnHeaderOrderByArrowWidthnumberStyle of columnHeaderOrderByArrowWidth.
contextFilterButtonBorderstringStyle of contextFilterButtonBorder.
contextFilterButtonBorderRadiusstringStyle of contextFilterButtonBorderRadius.
contextFilterButtonHTMLstringStyle of contextFilterButtonHTML.
contextMenuArrowColorstringStyle of contextMenuArrowColor.
contextMenuArrowDownHTMLstringStyle of contextMenuArrowDownHTML.
contextMenuArrowUpHTMLstringStyle of contextMenuArrowUpHTML.
contextMenuBackgroundstringStyle of contextMenuBackground.
contextMenuBorderstringStyle of contextMenuBorder.
contextMenuBorderRadiusstringStyle of contextMenuBorderRadius.
contextMenuChildArrowFontSizestringStyle of contextMenuChildArrowFontSize.
contextMenuColorstringStyle of contextMenuColor.
contextMenuCursorstringStyle of contextMenuCursor.
contextMenuFilterInvalidExpresionstringStyle of contextMenuFilterInvalidExpresion.
contextMenuFontFamilystringStyle of contextMenuFontFamily.
contextMenuFontSizestringStyle of contextMenuFontSize.
contextMenuHoverBackgroundstringStyle of contextMenuHoverBackground.
contextMenuHoverColorstringStyle of contextMenuHoverColor.
contextMenuItemBorderRadiusstringStyle of contextMenuItemBorderRadius.
contextMenuItemMarginstringStyle of contextMenuItemMargin.
contextMenuLabelDisplaystringStyle of contextMenuLabelDisplay.
contextMenuLabelMarginstringStyle of contextMenuLabelMargin.
contextMenuLabelMaxWidthstringStyle of contextMenuLabelMaxWidth.
contextMenuLabelMinWidthstringStyle of contextMenuLabelMinWidth.
contextMenuMarginLeftnumberStyle of contextMenuMarginLeft.
contextMenuMarginTopnumberStyle of contextMenuMarginTop.
contextMenuOpacitystringStyle of contextMenuOpacity.
contextMenuPaddingstringStyle of contextMenuPadding.
contextMenuWindowMarginnumberStyle of contextMenuWindowMargin.
contextMenuZIndexnumberStyle of contextMenuZIndex.
cornerCellBackgroundColorstringStyle of cornerCellBackgroundColor.
cornerCellBorderColorstringStyle of cornerCellBorderColor.
debugBackgroundColorstringStyle of debugBackgroundColor.
debugColorstringStyle of debugColor.
debugEntitiesColorstringStyle of debugEntitiesColor.
debugFontstringStyle of debugFont.
debugPerfChartBackgroundstringStyle of debugPerfChartBackground.
debugPerfChartTextColorstringStyle of debugPerfChartTextColor.
debugPerformanceColorstringStyle of debugPerformanceColor.
debugScrollHeightColorstringStyle of debugScrollHeightColor.
debugScrollWidthColorstringStyle of debugScrollWidthColor.
debugTouchPPSXColorstringStyle of debugTouchPPSXColor.
debugTouchPPSYColorstringStyle of debugTouchPPSYColor.
editCellBackgroundColorstringStyle of editCellBackgroundColor.
editCellBorderstringStyle of editCellBorder.
editCellBoxShadowstringStyle of editCellBoxShadow.
editCellColorstringStyle of editCellColor.
editCellFontFamilystringStyle of editCellFontFamily.
editCellFontSizestringStyle of editCellFontSize.
editCellPaddingLeftnumberStyle of editCellPaddingLeft.
editCellZIndexnumberStyle of editCellZIndex.
fillOverlayBorderColorstringStyle of fillOverlayBorderColor.
fillOverlayBorderWidthnumberStyle of fillOverlayBorderWidth.
frozenMarkerActiveBorderColorstringStyle of frozenMarkerActiveBorderColor.
frozenMarkerActiveColorstringStyle of frozenMarkerActiveColor.
frozenMarkerBorderColorstringStyle of frozenMarkerBorderColor.
frozenMarkerBorderWidthnumberStyle of frozenMarkerBorderWidth.
frozenMarkerColorstringStyle of frozenMarkerColor.
frozenMarkerWidthnumberStyle of frozenMarkerWidth.
gridBackgroundColorstringStyle of gridBackgroundColor.
gridBorderCollapsestringStyle of gridBorderCollapse. When grid border collapse is set to the default value of collapse, the bottom border and the top border of the next cell down will be merged into a single border. The only other setting is expand which allows the full border to be drawn.
gridBorderColorstringStyle of gridBorderColor.
gridBorderWidthnumberStyle of gridBorderWidth.
groupIndicatorBackgroundColorstringBackground color of the group indicator(icon).
groupIndicatorColorstringForeground color of the group indicator(icon).
minColumnWidthnumberStyle of minColumnWidth.
minHeightnumberStyle of minHeight.
minRowHeightnumberStyle of minRowHeight.
moveOverlayBorderColorstringStyle of moveOverlayBorderColor.
moveOverlayBorderSegmentsstringStyle of moveOverlayBorderSegments.
moveOverlayBorderWidthnumberStyle of moveOverlayBorderWidth.
namestringStyle of name.
overflowXstringWhen set to hidden, horizontal scroll bar will be hidden. When set to auto horizontal scroll bar will appear when data overflows the width. When set to scroll the horizontal scrollbar will always be visible.

['', 'normal'],| |overflowY|string|When set to hidden, vertical scroll bar will be hidden. When set to auto vertical scroll bar will appear when data overflows the height. When set to scroll the vertical scrollbar will always be visible.| |reorderMarkerBackgroundColor|string|Style of reorderMarkerBackgroundColor.| |reorderMarkerBorderColor|string|Style of reorderMarkerBorderColor.| |reorderMarkerBorderWidth|number|Style of reorderMarkerBorderWidth.| |reorderMarkerIndexBorderColor|string|Style of reorderMarkerIndexBorderColor.| |reorderMarkerIndexBorderWidth|number|Style of reorderMarkerIndexBorderWidth.| |resizeMarkerColor|string|Style of resizeMarkerColor.| |resizeMarkerSize|number|Style of resizeMarkerSize.| |rowGroupColumnWidth|number|Style of rowGroupColumnWidth.| |rowHeaderCellBackgroundColor|string|Style of rowHeaderCellBackgroundColor.| |rowHeaderCellBorderColor|string|Style of rowHeaderCellBorderColor.| |rowHeaderCellBorderWidth|number|Style of rowHeaderCellBorderWidth.| |rowHeaderCellColor|string|Style of rowHeaderCellColor.| |rowHeaderCellFont|string|Style of rowHeaderCellFont.| |rowHeaderCellHeight|number|Style of rowHeaderCellHeight.| |rowHeaderCellHorizontalAlignment|string|Style of rowHeaderCellHorizontalAlignment.| |rowHeaderCellHoverBackgroundColor|string|Style of rowHeaderCellHoverBackgroundColor.| |rowHeaderCellHoverColor|string|Style of rowHeaderCellHoverColor.| |rowHeaderCellPaddingBottom|number|Style of rowHeaderCellPaddingBottom.| |rowHeaderCellPaddingLeft|number|Style of rowHeaderCellPaddingLeft.| |rowHeaderCellPaddingRight|number|Style of rowHeaderCellPaddingRight.| |rowHeaderCellPaddingTop|number|Style of rowHeaderCellPaddingTop.| |rowHeaderCellRowNumberGapColor|number|Style of rowHeaderCellRowNumberGapColor.| |rowHeaderCellRowNumberGapHeight|number|Style of rowHeaderCellRowNumberGapHeight.| |rowHeaderCellSelectedBackgroundColor|string|Style of rowHeaderCellSelectedBackgroundColor.| |rowHeaderCellSelectedColor|string|Style of rowHeaderCellSelectedColor.| |rowHeaderCellVerticalAlignment|string|Style of rowHeaderCellVerticalAlignment.| |rowHeaderCellWidth|number|Style of rowHeaderCellWidth.| |scrollBarActiveColor|string|Style of scrollBarActiveColor.| |scrollBarBackgroundColor|string|Style of scrollBarBackgroundColor.| |scrollBarBorderColor|string|Style of scrollBarBorderColor.| |scrollBarBorderWidth|number|Style of scrollBarBorderWidth.| |scrollBarBoxBorderRadius|number|Style of scrollBarBoxBorderRadius.| |scrollBarBoxColor|string|Style of scrollBarBoxColor.| |scrollBarBoxMargin|number|Style of scrollBarBoxMargin.| |scrollBarBoxMinSize|number|Style of scrollBarBoxMinSize.| |scrollBarBoxWidth|number|Style of scrollBarBoxWidth.| |scrollBarCornerBackgroundColor|string|Style of scrollBarCornerBackgroundColor.| |scrollBarCornerBorderColor|string|Style of scrollBarCornerBorderColor.| |scrollBarWidth|number|Style of scrollBarWidth.| |selectionHandleBorderColor|string|Style of selectionHandleBorderColor.| |selectionHandleBorderWidth|number|Style of selectionHandleBorderWidth.| |selectionHandleColor|string|Style of selectionHandleColor.| |selectionHandleSize|number|Style of selectionHandleSize.| |selectionHandleType|string|Style of selectionHandleType. Can be square or circle.| |selectionOverlayBorderColor|string|Style of selectionOverlayBorderColor.| |selectionOverlayBorderWidth|number|Style of selectionOverlayBorderWidth.| |treeArrowBorderColor|string|Style of treeArrowBorderColor.| |treeArrowBorderWidth|number|Style of treeArrowBorderWidth.| |treeArrowClickRadius|number|Style of treeArrowClickRadius.| |treeArrowColor|string|Style of treeArrowColor.| |treeArrowHeight|number|Style of treeArrowHeight.| |treeArrowMarginLeft|number|Style of treeArrowMarginLeft.| |treeArrowMarginRight|number|Style of treeArrowMarginRight.| |treeArrowMarginTop|number|Style of treeArrowMarginTop.| |treeArrowWidth|number|Style of treeArrowWidth.| |treeGridHeight|number|Style of treeGridHeight.|


An item in the context menu.


titleobjectThe title that will appear in the context menu. If title is a string then the string will appear. If title is a HTMLElement then it will be appended via appendChild() to the context menu row maintaining any events and references.
clickobjectOptional function to invoke when this context menu item is clicked. Neglecting to call e.stopPropagation(); in your function will result in the mouse event bubbling up to the canvas undesirably.